Support / Feedback
We'd love to hear from you, whether you need technical support, have a feature suggestion or bug report, or want to send us a word of encouragement.
To contact us, you can email us directly here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the benefits of creating a profile in the Exigency app?
A: Creating a profile in the Exigency app is not mandatory, but can provide useful additional features. For example, by adding your insurance profile, you can access your provider's nurse hotline (if it has one). You can also add a photo of your insurance card and your insurance information for quick and convenient access. Plus, you can add all your doctors' contact information to have all your emergency medical contacts in one place.
Q: A hospital / pharmacy isn't on the map!
A: We're continuously adding new hospitals and pharmacies, so chances are we haven't added it yet. Please contact us to suggest the addition of any hospitals or pharmacies not listed.
Q: What are the gray pins on the pharmacies map?
A: While the most important information is pharmacies that are currently open for business, we do show a few closed locations as well. That way if you're already aware of a pharmacy nearby, it makes it clear that the pharmacy is currently closed rather than an omission.
Q: Why do some pharmacies on the map fade between gray and red?
A: The pins fade between gray and red to indicate that they are either opening or closing soon.
Q: Do I need health insurance to use the app?
A: You don't need health insurance in order to use the app, but adding a health insurance provider to your profile gives you the benefit of having instant access to your provider's 24 hour nurse hotline (most major health insurance providers have one).